Shamontiel L. Vaughn
1 min readJan 6, 2020


Nah, she’s been pretty vocal about feminism on “Flawless” and gave a rundown of being a proud feminist on Elle. She dived straight into the topic:

“I’m not really sure people know or understand what a feminist is, but it’s very simple. It’s someone who believes in equal rights for men and women. I don’t understand the negative connotation of the word, or why it should exclude the opposite sex. If you are a man who believes your daughter should have the same opportunities and rights as your son, then you’re a feminist. We need men and women to understand the double standards that still exist in this world, and we need to have a real conversation so we can begin to make changes. Ask anyone, man or woman, “Do you want your daughter to have 75 cents when she deserves $1?” What do you think the answer would be? When we talk about equal rights, there are issues that face women disproportionately. That is why I wanted to work with [the philanthropic organizations] Chime for Change and Global Citizen.”



Shamontiel L. Vaughn

I go from intensely writing about politics or current events to laughing hysterically at my dog or watching Instagram Reels. All else?