Shamontiel L. Vaughn
1 min readJun 9, 2021


I was trying to be on your side because I'm not lacking up top by any means (and regularly am called Dolly Parton by my mother). I'm not insecure about my boobs all. I don't flaunt them, but I definitely don't hide them. They're just on me like arms.

I don't quite understand how you're saying you don't give a fuck at 50 but then falling apart over the boob comments and saying you fall into depression. The post sounds like you're deeply insecure about your breasts. AND EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN INSECURITIES.

Here's my only issue. You're trying to compare deep abdominal scars and obese bodies to big breasts. People have historically been shamed (being honest, far more in the non-black community) for not being rail thin or perfect. So to compare something that is historically considered unattractive to something that has ALWAYS been especially attractive sounds not only tone deaf but completely not understanding the whole point of body positivity. Women like Lizzo still get asked, "How do you deal with being fat?" regularly. Let's not act like big breasts are traumatic or ridiculed (all of these Instagram remarks sound like flirty compliments) the way weight and scars are.

P.S. If people around you are still using '90s terminology like "You go, girl" and don't know who Gina is, you need to block them anyway for being two decades too late to use the phrase.



Shamontiel L. Vaughn

I go from intensely writing about politics or current events to laughing hysterically at my dog or watching Instagram Reels. All else?